About Memberships

Middle East Opinion (MEOpinion) conducts surveys on behalf of leading market research companies. Our members sign up to enjoy the benefits of taking part in surveys and earning cash and other rewards. Our surveys are a fun way of learning about new products and services, and of helping to influence their development. By joining our panel, you will become a member of the leading online community of consumers worldwide and will participate in research studies from top companies from around the world - whilst earning rewards at the same time.
Registering is easy. We just need to ask you a few simple questions. Please fill out the Registration form to get started. Once registered, you will also receive an email with a link for you to click on in order to activate your membership.
No. You are not allowed to create more than one account with us. We are interested in the opinions of various individuals and, therefore, we cannot allow individuals to respond to any of our surveys more than once. We regard the creation of more than one account as fraudulent activity.
Invitations to take part in surveys will be emailed to you directly. You can earn cash or other rewards for completing the surveys. You will find details of the specific reward for each survey, along with instructions on how to participate, in the invitation to that survey.
No. It does not cost anything to join our panel. Membership is free.
You must be at least thirteen (13) years of age to join the MEOpinion panel. If you are thirteen, but less than eighteen (18) years of age, you must obtain parental consent.
Only Middle East country residents may register on this website.
No, there is no minimum membership period. You can unsubscribe at any time by sending an email to support@meopinion.com
Absolutely. Each household member must have their own individual MEOpinion account. Please ask each person to fill out his or her own Registration form.
Please contact us and provide the necessary information.


We collect information during the registration process including, without limitation to, your first and last name, home address, email address, date of birth, etc. Other information collected from you once you are a member, if you choose to provide it, may include information on your health, your hobbies and interests, product ownership, lifestyle choices and political opinions.
Generally, personal data is used to communicate with you regarding panel membership and survey participation, to tailor surveys to match your interests, to administer and manage incentives and to keep our records up to date. Any information you provide is used by MEOpinion strictly for research purposes only.
We take your personal data very seriously. We will never contact you for marketing purposes, only for market research purposes. All information passed on to associated marketing research agencies is anonymous. You can rely on us to keep your personal details safe and free from any external parties. The information you provide to us will be used by MEOpinion strictly for research purposes only. Our Privacy Policy explains in more detail how we process your personal data.
Primarily we will contact you by email, although on occasion we may contact you by other means (SMS / Phone etc), but only if you agree to this. You will always be able to easily identify any communication from us because it will be clearly labelled as coming from MEOpinion. All our surveys are for genuine research purposes and your answers will never be used to try to sell you something at a later date.

Surveys and Participation

Surveys are conducted for businesses, governments, and other organizations that are interested in the views and attitudes of the people who use their products and services. The more they know about what customers think and like, the easier it is for them to provide products and services that consumers want. Our surveys give you the chance to voice your opinion.
Each time you complete a survey, you will have the chance to earn cash rewards. The specific reward varies from survey to survey. You will receive the exact details of the reward for each survey in the invitation email for that survey.
Please make sure that you read the Terms and Conditions for full details on how the incentive program works. If you deactivate your account you will forfeit any earnings. If your account is deemed inactive for 6 months the account will be automatically deactivated and any earnings will be forfeited as per the Terms and Conditions. If you have any questions regarding the incentive program please contact support@meopinion.com and we can answer any specific questions.
If you don’t receive any invitations straight away, don’t worry; we may not have any surveys that match your profile at the moment. As soon as we find a suitable opportunity for you, we’ll send you an invitation. To ensure that you receive all of our survey invitation emails, please add www.meopinion.com to your list of trusted senders, address book or contact list. This will prevent your email provider from incorrectly flagging our invitations as SPAM and moving them to your junk folder.

Rewards and Redemptions

When participating in online surveys and providing your opinion, you will be awarded an incentive for every survey completed. United States Dollars (USD$) are the primary form of incentive for all MEOpinion members. (Or equivalent value in local currency) The incentive levels are reported on your account page.
1. Log-in to your account 2. Go to 'Display Rewards' page 3. Click on 'Redeem' After clicking the ‘Redeem” button, you will be shown different channels on how you can use or spend your rewards. In the case of choosing CashU and its affiliates as a channel to spend your rewards, where you will have the opportunity to spend your redeemed rewards and enjoy access to a large variety of shopping channels, goods and services, your rewards will be transferred to your wallet under your existing account or an account that we will ask you to create on CashU.com. For more information on CashU’s terms and services please visit: http://www.cashu.com/site/en/faq
Once your accumulated incentive reaches USD $25 or higher (or equivalent in your local currency), you can redeem your incentive.
Unless redeemed, your incentive expires three years from the date of award, Or, if your account registers as inactive for 12 months (where you have not attempted to participate in any surveys)
The amount of incentive awarded per survey varies depending on the following factors: • The urgency of the survey, where the more urgent surveys will offer higher incentives • The length of the survey, where the more time required on your part to complete the survey, the larger the reward
Shortly after completing the survey your account will be credited with the reward stated in the survey invitation. If you were not awarded the right amount of incentive for completing a survey, or there was a delay in awarding your incentive, please contact us on: support @meopinion.com and provide the survey invitation link or the survey number in question.